Stolpebod is another name for the more commanly used stabbur, a traditional wooden outbuilding for storing food. Some of the old stabbur are intricately decorated with fine woodcarvings and ornamental poles and doorways.
Read more about them here…

Mr Poulson left Anne a book of Lithographs from Norway, (Norway presented in litoghapic images – from Nature) which includes an illustration from Bolkesjø, as can be seen below:
looking over some views (not well lithographed but interesting as any views of Norway are to us) left on our table by our Ex-guide Mr Poulson who it seems would be glad to accompany us thro’ Norway – the views (1/2 4 to opening a L’Italien) printed here in 1836 “paa forfatterens Forlag. Troft hos Ludwig Risum”. Norge, fremstillet i litho – grapherede Billeder Efter Naturen af PF Wergmann (billederne ere ledsagede med beskrivende Text)
Anne Lister, Travel journal, August 9 1839

(Norway portrayed in lithographic images
Photos of Bolkesjø:

Do you know if Anne ever travelled further north in Norway (for example to Trondheim or to the west coast of Norway)?
No, although Anne had expressed a wish to come back to Norway for some much desired climbing and more sightseeing, she never did return. Her journey from Norway went (as pre planned) back to Sweden and onward into Russia. When in Georgia she contracted a severe fever (likely from a tick-bite of some sort) and sadly she died there at the foot of the Caucatian mountains. Poor Ann Walker had to travel the long way back alone and make arrangements to have Anne Lister and/in her coffin back to Halifax, England.