Day 11 – Krokleiva, return to Drammen in search of lost ring, measuring bridge with umbrella …


Drammen bybru

The first city bridge of Drammen connecting Bragernes and Strømsø was completed in 1813 and served the city’s people for 123 years.
About 250 yards long, 96 compartments of about 31/2 lengths of Anne Lister’s trusty umbrella.
(img from Drammen byleksikon)


1) Klevstuen skysstasjon og hotell (Klevstuen coach station and hotel) by Axel Lindahl, 1880s ,
2) Klevstuen from Wergman’s book: Norge, fremstillet i lithographerede Billeder efter Naturen (1837)
3) Photo/postcard from 1890s showing off a bit of the view from Krokleiva


Pork Pancakes
Fleskepannekake’ is a pancake fried together with diced salty bacon. Today it’s often eaten with either syrup or a blueberry jam on top…
get the recipe

Flat bread / flatbrød is a traditional Norwegian thin bread baked on a traditional takke or large smooth griddle.

Simple recipe and how-to …