Anne Lister seemed to love the pancakes / fleskepannekaker and ordereed it several times. At Krokleiva she even pays extra to see them be made. (Recipe and instructions below the quotes.)
ordered dinner – sent off forbud looked about in the kitchen etc – no fire in the company part of the house –dinner pork pancake (with bacon inside) bread and butter and thick milk – everything good – dinner from 4.20 to 5
– Anne Lister at Westgaard, 28. July 1839 (tj)
Kongsberg breakfast chez Madame Samuelsen tea and bread and butter and pancakes
Anne Lister at Konsberg, 3. August 1839 (acc)
Rain about ½ hour before reaching Drammen, but not very much – more as soon as we got in and very rainy night – tea and pancakes and over at 8.40
– Anne Lister at Drammen, 5. August 1839 (tj)
pancakes and tea at 9-50 then till 11 finishing inking over accounts fine day F 71° now at 11 p.m. no rain but the drop or 2 that frightened us on our arrival at 8 ¾ p.m.
– Anne Lister at Jonsrud, 6. August 1839 (tj)
Crokleven, single house beautiful hilly, woody, foresty drive to it – 2 good rooms below stairs – ordered breakfast – pancakes, suur melk (sour milk) the thick milk we had at Westgaard and bread and butter – but breakfasted on the pancakes
– Anne Lister at Krokleiva, 7. August 1839 (tj)
Crokleven breakfast pancakes suur melk (that is sour milk, thick milk) and fresh ditto and bread and butter 2 marks gave over for having seen the pancakes made
– Anne Lister at Krokleiva, 7. August 1839 (acc)
Fleskepannekake is a pancake fried together with diced salty bacon. Today it’s often eaten with either syrup or a blueberry jam on top…
Ingredients 4 eggs 700 ml milk 280 g wheat flour 300-400 g salt pork or bacon, sliced or cut into sticks
This should give about 8-10 pancakes

All photos Y. Haugen 2020
Combine the flour, salt eggs, and about half of the milk in a mixing bowl and whisk until smooth, before you add the rest of the milk.
Heat the frying pan or skillet and add the amount of pork/bacon bits you want in one pancake (see image above for an idea how much that could be). Fry until they start to brown a little, then ladle in batter to fill the surface of the pan.
Fry the pancake until golden underneath, flip and fry the other side.
Keep the fried pancakes warm in the oven or a “hot pot” while you fry the rest of the pancakes and serve as is or with syrup or even blueberries/blueberry jam.